FCA is embracing the change to become a NFP
FCA Cymru, which has been delivering foster care in Wales since 1997, including NFP services throughout the UK, will change from an independent agency to an entirely NFP service by 2027.
The change will have no impact on the quality of service and support offered to foster parents and children and young people by FCA Cymru, but will alter the way the agency is currently structured.
FCA has welcomed the Welsh government’s commitment to ‘eliminate private profit from the care of looked-after children’ by 2027. As a result, the care of children that are looked after will only be provided by public sector, charitable, or NFP organisations.

April Newman, registered manager for FCA Cymru said: “FCA Cymru is embracing the change, and we are continually committed to becoming a not-for-profit organisation to continue to support our foster parents.
“We will seek to secure the best outcomes possible for children and young people, and look forward to continuing to provide exceptional support to our foster parents and young people.”
The service will continue to work closely with local authorities to ensure the recruitment and retention of valuable foster parents, as well as improving the lives of vulnerable children and young people.
April added: “The changes will provide FCA with the opportunity to contribute to the government’s commitment to create positive change to social care provision in Wales. We are pleased to support locally based, designed and accountable services, with the outcomes for both foster parents and children and young people in care.”

More about what the move to NFP means for foster parents…
If you’re an existing foster parent with FCA Cymru or looking to foster with us, find out exactly what this move to NFP means as we bust some myths around the change in the legislation.
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