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“I think my age has given me a level of wisdom and perspective that helps me guide the young people in my care.”
Foster Parents
Meet FCA foster parent Jane, who shares how age has never been a barrier to fostering and making a positive impact on the lives of the young people in her care.

“FCA just seem like a big family who I always knew I wanted to work alongside.”
Foster Parents
Meet Karen from Wiltshire who’s been fostering for 5 years with FCA. Her passion for nurturing and caring for children naturally led her to fostering, and after meeting with the team from FCA, she knew it was time to fulfil her lifelong dream.

“Fostering is by far the best and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.”
Foster Parents
Foster parent Alice shares how her fostering journey unfolded, the positive impact it continues to have on her daughter and how the support she receives from FCA has made fostering as a single parent the most rewarding thing she’s ever done.

What makes a great foster parent: Lesley’s Story
We’re celebrating the achievements of Lesley, one of our foster mums who has been fostering for 22 years. In that time, Lesley has provided loving care to almost 200 children through different types of fostering.

Inside the daily life of a foster parent
Foster Parents
Becoming a foster parent is a journey full of challenges and rewards, where every day brings something new and unexpected. It’s a role that demands adaptability, patience, and a seemingly endless to-do list, but it’s also incredibly fulfilling. Take a look at what a typical day looks like for one of our foster parents.

“Nothing compares to just how rewarding fostering is. There’s nothing like it.”
In 2018, Steve pursued his lifelong dream of fostering children who needed a safe and loving home. This is his journey so far.

“I’ve found the support with FCA fantastic, someone has always been there to help me”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Elaine from South Yorkshire who has been fostering since 2005. She shares the support she receives from FCA and recommends fostering for anyone considering a career switch.

“I would absolutely recommend FCA to anyone thinking of fostering, it’s like one extended family”
Foster Parents
Meet FCA foster parent, Vanessa, who has been fostering for nearly a decade looking after a range of children from five up to supporting young adults into independence. She shares the support she’s received through FCA, and the positive impact fostering has had on her life.

“Fostering is hard work but completely worth it.”
Rozanne shares her journey of fostering with FCA, what motivated her to become a foster parent and her own experiences of being in foster care.

“I do lots of things with the children that I probably wouldn’t have done if I wasn’t fostering – they’ve enriched my life massively.”
Foster Parents
A single carer, Alison has been fostering with FCA Midlands since 2017. She shares how fostering has enriched her life, and the little things that have made a big difference.

“I’ve attended many of the support groups and regional events hosted by FCA which are brilliant.”
Foster Parents
Danielle and Sam started their fostering journey with FCA South Western in July 2023. Here is their story so far…

“Fostering is not like a job to us, it just part of our life.”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parents Sarah and Paul who have been fostering with FCA North West since 2021. Here’s their story so far…

“Always know in your heart that you are making a difference to that young person’s life. Their experiences will last a lifetime.”
Meet FCA foster parents, Debbie and Geoff, who started their fostering journey after their own children flew the nest. The couple share their fostering highlights and how rewarding it is to see a child flourish in their care.

“Fostering has enriched our lives. To see the children experience new things, and the feedback you get from them is priceless.”
Meet foster parents Phill and Stig who recently celebrated their first year of fostering with FCA Cymru. The couple share their family holiday highlights, and the importance of giving their foster children new enriching experiences.

“Give it a go. If you’ve got a lot of love and patience, you’ll reap the rewards”.
Foster Parents
Meet foster parents Karen and Wayne who have been fostering with FCA South Western since 2020. Here’s their story…

“When I see a child smile, I feel that I have done my job. It is wonderful seeing a child dancing and telling jokes. It is so rewarding.”
Meet foster parents Elizabeth and Andrew from Swansea. Fostering was always a dream of theirs, and in 2022 the time was finally right, and the couple started their journey to become foster parents with FCA Cymru.

“Fostering has brought us all together as a family, I wish we had started a long time ago”
Foster Parents
Meet FCA foster parent Paula, who started her fostering journey with FCA Thames Valley after her own three children flew the nest. She shares her fostering highlights, and how it’s brought her family closer together.

“My biggest regret is that we didn’t do this earlier”
Foster Parents
Meet Elaine and Stephen, foster parents from Northern Ireland. In 2020 they decided it was the perfect time to embark on their fostering journey. Here is their story…

“They say it takes a village to raise a child, and they are my village, honestly.”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Claudia from Thames Valley who has highlighted the importance of recruiting more BAME foster parents to support our looked after children. Claudia also talks the about importance of the support she has had from FCA.

“I wasn’t going to give up on him, no matter what”
Foster Parents
Celia was determined to give her foster child the best life she could, she said: “Lewis* came from a really difficult background, things were tough. But I wasn’t going to give up on him, no matter what.”

“Thinking about fostering? Our advice: just do it!”
Foster Parents
We caught up with foster parent Angie who has been fostering with us since 2015 along with husband Paul. She shared with us their fostering story…

“Moving to FCA was one of the best things I ever did, I can’t recommend them enough”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Georgia from Newcastle who started fostering at 24. She shares her fostering highlights after she recently transferred to FCA from a local authority. Now with her partner, the couple look after a sibling group of two.

“FCA are fantastic with all the events and activities for children of all ages”
Foster Parents
Lesley has been fostering with FCA for over 10 years, and has made a huge difference to the lives of two siblings who have been with her long term. She shares all about the support she’s received from FCA over the past decade.

“I’ve only got good things to say about the support, there is always someone at the end of the phone – day or night.”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Elaine who has been fostering for nearly a decade. She shares her advice to those thinking about fostering, and the first-class support she’s received from FCA throughout her journey.

“Fostering is an incredible journey, so follow your heart”.
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Julie who started her fostering journey in 2015 with FCA Thames Valley at the age of 24. Now together with her family they focus on more specialised parent and child fostering.

“Fostering is not a Disney movie…but it can be at times Disney magic.”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Jayne from Buckinghamshire who started her fostering journey in 2012 after wanting to continue her role as a stay at home parent. She recalls her fostering highlights and advice for anyone considering making a difference to a child’s life.

“The best moment is seeing a child settle with you, flourish and come out of their shell.”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parent Leanne who is new to fostering, starting her journey in early 2023. She shares her fostering highlights and how her previous career as a teaching assistant has helped her to transition into the role of a foster parent.

A day in the life of foster parents…
Foster Parents
We had the opportunity to speak with foster parents Sharon and Pete, hearing first-hand about their typical day in the life of fostering.

Parveen and Imraz, our first year of fostering.
Foster Parents
“When you start to see the positive impact you are making to children’s lives you will get such a warm feeling that cannot be described.” Meet Parveen and Imraz as they reflect on their first year of fostering with FCA Midlands.

“To sum up fostering it is so worthwhile – just do it”
We catch up with Sharon and Peter who have been foster parents with FCA since 2020, as they share their best fostering moments.

“I thoroughly enjoy fostering, I just can’t imagine doing anything else.”
Foster Parents
This year Linda and Derek from FCA Midlands celebrate an astonishing 25 years fostering with FCA. Here they look back over their momentous fostering journey.

“If you’re already thinking about fostering go for it.”
Foster Parents
Meet Allison, a foster parent from FCA Northern Ireland as she shares her fostering experience so far and what is like to foster alongside having your own children.

“I wouldn’t have my children today if it wasn’t for FCA.”
Foster Parents
Meet Michelle, a foster parent from FCA Midlands who has devoted the last 15 years to fostering. She shares her incredible story of life with her 14 children.

“I just want to give these children the best childhood I possibly can”
Foster Parents
Single foster parent, Angie, from Newcastle upon Tyne reflects on nearly 20 years of fostering and how providing short-breaks for children have provided her with the flexibility she’s been looking for when it comes to taking care of vulnerable children.

“It feels like she’s been here all of her life”
Foster Parents
Single foster parent, Sharon shares her experience of fostering over the past two years and reveals how she found the matching process so beneficial.

Mother and baby specialist foster parent talks through her journey so far
Foster Parents
Meet FCA North East foster parent Sheila as she talks about parent and child fostering and her journey so far.

“You could be missing out on a child who really needs you.”
Foster Parents
Meet foster parents Joanne and Steve from West Yorkshire as they share their fostering journey with FCA so far and encourage all foster parents to make themselves available for out of hours fostering.

“Foster care is not without its challenges, but there are so many little moments that make it amazing.”
Foster Parents
Belfast foster parent Clinton is calling for more members of the LGBTQ+ community to consider fostering a child in need of a home.

Foster parent Colin celebrates men in foster care
Foster Parents
Foster parent Colin from the North West reflects on his 17 years of full-time fostering and how some stereotypical beliefs restrict so many incredible individuals from taking the leap to foster.

“It’s not all about making them happy and giving them nice things, it’s about being a comforting presence and being kind. Sometimes they just need to know you are there.”
Foster Parents
Single foster parent, Marlene, based in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, has worked with children with autism, shares her incredible fostering journey so far.

“The big thing was making that decision and going with it. We’ve never regretted it, and never looked back!”
Foster Parents
Steve and Eileen, winners of the Families First Foster Carer award in 2017 and foster parents for over 15 years, sit down to talk to us about their journey so far.

“It is amazing to see what wonderful children they have grown to become.”
Foster Parents
Christie, a Derbyshire local, has been fostering for the past three years and sat down to share her experience and advice for future foster parents.

“We find fostering so rewarding, we do not consider it as a job, it’s a way of life.”
Foster Parents
Foster parents, Delia and Franz who are based in the North of England, have been fostering vulnerable children for seven years and are currently looking after two children.

“It’s giving children a brighter future and keeping them safe”
Foster Parents
Single foster parent, Nicola from the North East shares her incredible fostering journey over the past 20 years.

“When they can recognise that they have achieved something amazing, like he did, it means the world to me.”
Foster Parents
After 12 years and a varied foster career, Mandy speaks about her foster journey so far with FCA.

“Your life does change completely, of course it does, but you are able to invest yourself and your time into creating better outcomes for young people”
Foster Parents
Michelle left her job working in education to devote her time to vulnerable young children. Now, with her partner Ashley, the pair from the North East foster full time and have two young girls in their care.

“My birth child who is 15 years old has been very much involved. This Christmas, he has taken on the role as big brother “
Foster Parents
FCA Foster Parent Nina knows family is everything and wanted to share her experience of the positive impact that fostering at Christmas had on her family and especially the effect it had on her birth son.

“My second ever foster child defied all expectations and changed my Christmases forever.”
Foster Parents
Fostering over Christmas can make a world of difference to children in care and foster carers alike. Since Caroline’s first Christmas as a foster parent she has supported all kinds of children and young people over Christmas, and would urge others to do the same.

“He isn’t the same as when he arrived with me. He has transformed.”
Cathy Richards from Anglesey digs deep as she talks about her first 16 months as a foster parent.

“My husband looked at me like I’d gone mad, but let me tell you, it was the best thing we ever did.”
Foster Parents
It all started with a small advert in the local newspaper, and almost 16 years later, Jill and Gary are still fostering. Jill chats about their experiences…

“Moving into full time fostering was definitely unknown territory for us, but it was the best decision we made and we’ve never looked back.”
Foster Parents Ellie and Pete Wileen, who are both ex members of the armed forces, share their inspiring foster story so far.

“We wouldn’t go back to a 9-5 job. We absolutely love and enjoy fostering”
Foster parents, Sharon and Robert from Cymru, embarked on their fostering journey back in 2010 and share with us their experience over the past decade.

“By giving them a stable home, a stable environment, we’re helping to change history in that child’s life.”
Foster Parents
Foster parent Mandy shares her fostering experience over the past 13 years with FCA Northern Ireland.

“We always tell our children, they’re loved, and that tomorrow is a new day”
Foster Parents
Foster parent, Joanna has been fostering for over a decade shares her fostering experience, her approach to care and the importance of family.

” I recommended my daughter to FCA”
Foster Parents
Jackie and Simon have been fostering with FCA for eight and a half years. They share their story with us and why they decided to recommend Jackie’s daughter and son-in-law through FCA’s Refer-a-Friend Scheme.

“I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending FCA”
Foster Parents
Danielle’s mum, Jackie referred Danielle and Michael through the FCA word of mouth scheme. The couple, along with their own daughter have now been fostering with FCA for 3 years and haven’t looked back.

“It is the most rewarding thing you can do in your lifetime so if you want to do it, go for it”
Foster Parents
Retiring foster parent, Anne shares her experience of two decades worth of fostering.

“It’s special to be able to make such a difference to people’s lives, we love what we do.”
Foster Parents
FCA’s Time to Shine winner, Melanie based in Shropshire, shares how specialising in parent and child placement fostering has changed her life.

Trevor’s Story
Foster Parents
Meet Trevor and his wife Tracey who were approved as foster parents in 2015 and since then they have gone on to foster eight young children in six years.

Luke and Danny’s story
Foster Parents
Danny and Luke were approved as foster parents in 2018 and since then they have gone on to foster eight young children in just two years.

Behind Angie and Andy’s door
Foster Parents
“We get through challenging days knowing that we are part of a great community changing the lives of children and young people.’’

Sarah’s story
Foster Parents
Sarah, based in the South East, who specialises in parent and child placements shares how fostering over ten years has changed her life.

Meet foster parent Lorna
Foster Parents
Lorna had room in her home, in her heart, so her fostering journey began

Mel and Pam
Foster Parents
Read Mel and Pam’s fostering story

Joanne and Martyn’s Story
Foster Parents
Meet Joanne and Martyn from Wigan who have been foster carers with FCA since 2010.

Why foster parent and child placements?
Foster Parents
Why foster parent and child placements?

Katie and Jade’s Story
Foster Parents
Two foster carers, Katie and Jade North Wales started their fostering career earlier than most at just 23 and 25.

Deborah and Brian’s story
Foster Parents
Deborah and Brian Butler from North Wales have been fostering with FCA for over 11 years.

Alison’s Story
Foster Parents
Marathon runner, Alison is never one to shy away from a challenge. However, her biggest challenge in life so far is being able to provide and safe and nurturing home to children and young people in care.

Make A Difference
Foster Parents
Cameron Furnival, has fostered 12 children in his six years as a foster parent for FCA. Read his story.

Fostering for me is now a way of life
Foster Parents
Foster carer Anne from the North East has been fostering for 20 years.

Fostering gives me the opportunity to do something worthwhile
Foster Parents
Growing up in a fostering household Lauren had already gained a wealth of fostering awareness and wisdom, read her story.

I foster with FCA and my daughter does too
Foster Parents
Sharon and her daughter Lauren from Northern Ireland both foster with us, here is Sharon’s story.

I recommended my friend joined FCA to become a foster parent too
Foster Parents
Meet Maree who recommended her friend should foster with FCA too.

20 years of fostering, Helen and Ken’s story so far
Foster Parents
Helen and Ken from FCA South East share their fostering story so far as they look back over the past 20 years.

Paul and Riccardo’s story
Foster Parents
Meet foster parents Paul and Riccardo who tells us why they choose to foster.