I have recently attended FCA’s Attachment Training, which the group of foster parents and I found invaluable. The attachment issues were demonstrated in such a way as to make us understand what was most likely to be missing in children and young people’s early years.
The course has given me a solid understanding and insight into what, and how, attachment disorders can be the result of trauma, neglect and loss and the behaviour that can happen as a result. This is the behaviour that we, as carers, face on the front line. It can be difficult especially if we are working alone.
Having brought up two of my own children and two step children, I would have said that I was a fairly competent nurturer and foster parent. However, this course has shown me that the way I brought up my own children, and to a certain extent my step children, would not necessarily apply well to a young person who has suffered the traumas of being neglected and put in care. I personally took a great deal away from this course which I will now put into practice as much as I can.
The young person placed with me, through no fault of his own, suffered unimaginable losses and then got expelled from school, as well as having had three or four previous placements. We can cope with these situations by understanding attachment and with the support of the FCA team and fellow foster parents.
Thank you for the training I have already experienced with FCA, it is so beneficial to us as foster parents and to our young people who are relying on us to give them the support they need, but don’t know they need.
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