Am I Ready to Welcome Another Foster Child?

Thinking about fostering another child? In this post, we address common concerns and how FCA will support you through this next step in your fostering journey.

Common concerns about fostering two children or more 

If you’ve reached a stage where you feel ready to welcome another child into your home, it’s important to reflect on your fostering journey so far and consider the impact it could have on you, the child in your care, and any other family members living in your home. Below, we consider the questions you may be asking yourself, and offer guidance to help you make a well thought out decision.

fostering two children or more

How will it impact the child already in my care? 

Before committing to welcoming another child into your home, you need to consider the impact it could have on the child already in your care, as they are currently your main priority. Much will depend on the individual needs and experiences of the child. Some children thrive when they have siblings, whereas others may find the change more destabilising and difficult.  

It’s about knowing the child already in your care and considering how they may feel about the change. The best way to find out is by having an honest and open conversation with them about the possibility of a new addition. If they do have any worries, listen and validate their feelings, while reassuring them that your love and care for them will not change.   

For example, if you’ve built a strong bond with the child in your care, they may be worried about how a new foster sibling could affect your relationship with them. It’s essential to remember that children who’ve moved into care have often been let down by trusted adults, making it difficult for them to let their guard down in the first place. The idea of then having to share you with someone else may feel quite scary for them. So offer support and think about how you’ll ensure the child you’re already caring for still feels safe, stable, and loved when welcoming a new foster sibling.  

Can I afford to foster another child? 

It’s natural to be concerned about the cost implications of fostering more than one child. However, when you foster with us at FCA, we ensure that your fostering pay not only covers the essential costs of caring for each child but also rewards you for your hard work and dedication.  

You’ll receive a generous fostering allowance for each child in your care, which currently averages £487 per week per child. Not only that, but due to qualifying care relief, fostering allowances are typically tax-free, leaving you with more in your pocket to spend on building memories with your family. We also offer additional bonuses, and every foster parent at FCA benefits from our STARS scheme, designed to recognise and reward you for transforming young lives.  

Another Foster Child

Is my home big enough for another child? 

Another important thing to think about when considering fostering two children or more is whether you have enough room in your home. We’re often asked, ‘Can a foster child share a room with another child?’ In most cases, the answer is no – every child you foster needs a room to call their own, and here’s why.  

Imagine being a child or young person who has just left everything you know to move in with a new family. You may feel scared, lonely, and confused as you try to process your circumstances and painful memories that have left you living with trauma. 

When you arrive, all you want to do is curl up in a ball on your bed, but you’re sharing a room with another child, making it difficult to relax and feel safe enough to do so. Every time you feel overwhelmed, you have nowhere to retreat to for some time alone and can’t make the space your own because you’re sharing it. 

Children and young people living in care need a space to call their own – somewhere they can surround themselves with things that bring them comfort and retreat if they feel overwhelmed. If you’re fostering siblings who have previously shared a room, it may be in their best interest to share again because it provides familiarity and reassurance. However, when fostering children from different families, you must have a spare bedroom for each child.  

How will I balance my time between each child? 

Regardless of the type of fostering you already do, welcoming a new child into your home will change your family dynamics. Every child is unique, and as they grow, they’ll go through various transitions that may mean they need a little more of your time and attention than the other child you foster. For example, if one of the children you foster experiences bullying at school, they may need more of your attention as you help them navigate the issue.  

However, while you may need to focus on one child a little more at times, you can still take steps to ensure each child receives the time and attention they need. A great way to do this is by including daily moments of individual attention for each child in your routine, such as reading them a bedtime story if they’re young or watching a TV show together if they’re older. This will help strengthen your bond with each child and ensure everyone feels part of the family.  

At FCA, we’ll work with you to make sure the transition from one foster child to two or more doesn’t negatively impact your current family dynamics. Our Team Parenting model ensures the well-being of every child is nurtured and provides a community you can lean on during the transition. 

How will I meet everyone’s needs, including my own? 

If you’re worried about managing everyone’s needs when welcoming another child – including your own – don’t worry. When you foster with FCA, you’re never raising a child alone. 

We are committed to providing therapeutic foster care that supports every aspect of a child’s well-being while always ensuring foster parents feel equipped and confident to meet their changing needs. From our therapy services, which help you develop new ways of responding to each child’s needs, to education support that ensures every child gets the most out of school, we’re by your side every step of the way.  

Our year-round activities, events, and support groups help you stay connected with other foster parents, giving you more people to lean on as your family grows. So, if you want to know what it’s really like to welcome another child into your home, talk to your foster parent friends – they may offer valuable insights and advice to help you navigate this step on your fostering journey.  


Get in touch today 

If you’re already fostering and are thinking about welcoming another child into your home, reach out to your local team – they’ll be happy to offer further guidance as you consider this next step. If you’re new to fostering and want to learn more about fostering a child, please get in touch. Our friendly team is ready to support you and answer any questions you may have.