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Musical Play Can Help Child Development

How musical play can help child development

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Music has this amazing power to captivate us and make us feel all sorts of emotions. And when it comes to children in foster care who have been through tough times, musical play becomes even more important. It has a special significance because it helps these kids heal and grow in a positive way. We dive into the wonderful benefits of musical play for children in care, giving them a nurturing and transformative experience.

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Meet care leaver Shauna

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Our #ChangeTheStory campaign is breaking down the stigma that surrounds children and young people within the care system, changing the narrative by giving them the chance to talk about their own journeys and how foster care changed their lives for the better. We catch-up with Shauna, a care leaver from the North East, who is currently studying for a law degree. She explains what a positive impact her foster family had, and their support in helping her achieve her dream of studying law.

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