Types of fostering
As no two children are the same, there are many different types of foster care. Some children and young people may just need fostering for a few nights, while others need a more permanent family environment.
Which type of fostering is right for you?
While you’re going through the process of becoming a foster parent, we’ll help you decide which type of fostering is best for you and your family. We’ll prepare you for each kind of foster care and discuss your experience, availability and circumstances so you can make an informed decision.
We offer several types of fostering to ensure we meet each child and young person’s requirements, matching them with the best kind of foster home for their situation.
Some children and young people need help transitioning from residential care to a family home, while others may need a caring family environment for several years. And some may have specific needs, such as a disability or a young child of their own to care for.
No matter which type of fostering you choose, at FCA, we’ll be by your side throughout your fostering journey. We provide high-quality training and 24/7 support that gives you the knowledge, skills and confidence to make a difference in the lives of children and young people.
If you’d like to discuss the different types of fostering in more detail, please get in touch.
Discover how fostering will affect your finances
Don’t let finances be the barrier to starting your fostering journey, discover our essential guide to allowances, tax, National Insurance and claiming benefits whilst fostering.
What are the different types of foster care?
Short-term fostering
Short-term fostering is caring for a child on a short-term basis. However, this can range from a few nights or weeks to two years.
Emergency fostering
Emergency fostering provides short-term care for children and young people who need a safe and secure home at short notice. This type of placement typically lasts from a couple of hours or days to a few weeks.
Respite fostering
Respite foster placements give foster parents and birth families a break if and when they need one. They are typically very short, often only lasting a couple of days.
Long-term fostering
When children are unable to return to their birth families, long-term fostering placements can offer them a permanent, stable family environment until adulthood.
Fostering teenagers
By fostering teenagers, you can help young people heal from their pasts, cope with newfound pressures and make those all-important steps towards a bright, positive future.
Sibling fostering
Siblings can offer each other stability, comfort and reassurance in the foster home, so it’s crucial for them to stay together after being moved into foster care. Sibling fostering involves matching sibling groups with foster families who have the skills and space to care for multiple children.
Fostering children with disabilities
A short-term respite placement aimed to provide the carers of children with a physical, learning or sensory disability with a short break from their responsibilities. This type of fostering can range from a few hours to a whole weekend.
Parent and child fostering
Sometimes, young people who’ve become parents at a young age need additional support. Foster parents who choose parent and child fostering help young parents nurture and raise their children.
Step down fostering
This type of fostering is designed to help young people transition from residential care to a family home.
Sanctuary seeking fostering
When a child seeks asylum in the UK without a suitable adult to care for them, a sanctuary-seeking foster placement is set up. This ensures the child is safe and has access to the specialist care and support they may need while they apply for refugee status.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of children need fostering?
There are a host of reasons why they need foster care. It may be because of a family illness, family breakdown and problems at home, or a situation where their welfare is threatened. Many will have experienced neglect and physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Can I choose the kind of fostering referral I have?
Yes, when you join FCA we really get to know you and your family so we have an understanding of your preferences, skills and qualities. Our aim is for the children and young people in care to have a positive fostering experience in a stable environment. We work really hard to ensure when we put you forward to care for a child and young person so we have the best possible match. We understand that there may be times where you turn down a referral and we will always respect your decision.
What is fostering?
Fostering is providing a safe and stable family home for a child or young person who can’t live with their birth family. There are many reasons why children need foster care.
What training will I receive as a foster parent?
We pride ourselves on being a learning organisation and are proactive in helping both our foster parents and employees to develop their skills, knowledge and experience.
We are committed to providing high quality training that is accessible and relevant to all of our foster parents.
What kind of support will I receive?
We wouldn’t expect anyone to foster without the right support, so when you foster with FCA you are not alone.
Become a foster parent with us and you have access to:
- Social Work Support– you will have a dedicated supervising social worker who is your main point of contact and will organise monthly meetings and support for you whenever you need it
- 24 / 7 support
- Training and development – We will prepare you to foster and keep developing your skills with an ongoing training programme featuring both face to face and online courses thorough our Learnative portal.
- Events and activities – we host a range of events and activities for all the family to enjoy.
- Online portal – Join our online community with our portal The Exchange just for FCA foster parents. It gives you free and instant access to information and advice right when you need it – day or night, 365 days a year. Plus access to a range of discounts to some major retailers and online stores.
- Fostering Network membership – useful and practical benefits, including insurance, legal protection, medical and stress advice helplines, as well as a foster care magazine.
Do I get any breaks or holidays while fostering?
We do offer respite your supervising social worker can speak to you about what it entails.
How can we help?
Ready to start fostering a child or young person? Or just want a bit more information to help you decide whether fostering is for you? All you need to do is contact us.
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