Staff and foster parents from FCA Northern Ireland joined other independent agencies and all five trusts at luxury hotel Galgorm to celebrate Northern Ireland Foster Care Awards, the first since 2019.
The awards hosted by The Fostering Network in Northern Ireland celebrates the amazing achievements of foster carers, kinship carers, and social workers – who all do an incredible job in providing the best outcomes for children and young people.
This year’s ceremony was compered and hosted by BBC Journalist Mark Simpson, whilst guests were treated to a champagne reception followed by a sit-down meal.
Following dinner Kathleen Toner from Fostering Network & Una Carragher from HSC Adoption and Fostering reminded us of the commitment and courage that everyone; foster carers, social workers & social care workers have demonstrated over the last few years. Mark then presented awards to a variety of foster carers.
FCA Foster Carers Ryan & Joanne Magee received a nomination certificate and David & Sharon Osborne received an Award for Excellence in Fostering.
We were in awe at the levels of care that were highlighted as each Fostering Award was given out; comments from young people and nominating social workers highlighted the love and support that had been provided to children and young people who needed it the most.
We are very proud of our foster parents! A big thank you for all that you do from everyone at FCA.
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